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The Horton STOL Conversion will give the advantage of taking-off and landing at a slower speed, the ability to get out of grass strips easier, obtain better performance at high altitudes, with better aileron control at low speeds, reduce the tendency to spin and reduce the stall speed.
The slow landing performance is not your main concern but safety is. The Horton STOL conversion will provide that extra margin of safety. In the event of an engine failure and you are forced to land in an unfamiliar area, the STOL conversion gives you more time and control of your airplane by allowing you to reduce forward airspeed, while reducing the sink rate.
The combination of these results will give you the possibility of touching down at a fraction of the normal speed, the chances of personal injury and aircraft damage is greatly reduced.
Your aircraft will be modified with only the necessary and approved items to improve take-off, slow flight and landing characteristics.
Only STC's and certified materials and quality parts are used in the Horton STOL conversions. The FAA has issued a Parts Manufacturing Approval (PMA) to Horton STOL-Craft for the production of our STOL conversions.

Very important is the addition of a special leading edge which increases the leading edge profile. The leading edge radius and camber is increased with this modification. Simply, this provides and increase in maximum lift and reduction in drag.
For the owners of new Cessna aircraft with the Camber Lift Cuff, HORTON STOL-CRAFT has designed and engineered a new leading edge, for increased performance, to replace the Cessna Camber Lift Leading Edge.

Low speed aileron effectiveness is improved by special wing tips. Induced drag is further reduced since the HORTON STOL-CRAFT tips reduce wing tip vortex strength. They also increase the wing area and decrease the stall speed.

Not readily visible in a complete conversion, but very important are the control surface seals, also known as gap seals.
The control surfaces of most conventional aircraft permit air flow from the underside of the wing where the high pressure area is present to the upper portion where the low pressure area is developed. The air "leaks" through the space between the ailerons and the fixed position of the wing. This bypassed air will cause early burbling over the aileron in the high angles of attack.
We install a strip of aluminum in this gap between the wing and aileron to prevent or greatly reduce this unwanted movement of air.
As you recall from your flight training days, modern general aviation aircraft are designed in such a manner that the stall starts at the inboard portion of the wing and then moves outwards as the angle of attack is increased.
The HORTON STOL-CRAFT stall fence controls the stall span wise progression and therefore maintains longer aileron effectiveness through higher angles of attack.
As a result, the low speed handling qualities of the aircraft are greatly enhanced, and then lower portions of the wing, depending on the aircraft manufacturer.